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3 Supplements Everyone Should Take

Unarguably, there are dozens of supplements available in the market today that promote a multitude of health benefits.

Undeniably, if we were to purchase even a fraction of what's available, that could be a bit more than most could afford.

And with so many options available, it is tough to choose where our money would be better spent.

So here is a short list of 3 supplements that should be the foundation of everyone's daily regimen. No matter who you are or what you do. Whether you exercise or not, or are pursuing weight loss or not. You can benefit immensely from these supplements as they each promote something essential for proper body function and overall health.

The truth is most of us do not consume enough protein daily for optimum body function. And protein is the "building block of life".

Everyone can benefit from increasing protein intake as it assists with the growth and maintenance of tissues and improves overall metabolism.

Keep in mind not all protein powders are the same. Make sure to do your research and find a clean protein (free from fillers) that provides all nine essential amino acids (Whey and Pea protein are great options).

These are essential oils found abundantly in marine life. Typically, unless you consume seafood multiple times a week, you are most likely not getting enough of it.

The Western diet is rich in Omega 6 oils (which promotes inflammation) while deficient in Omega 3's. Unlike Omega 6, Omega 3 oils assist with lowering inflammation within the body. It also helps regulate hormones and improves cardiovascular health.

One thing to watch out for is that fish oils may come with heavy metals (such as mercury) that should be avoided. For that reason, I recommend Krill oil or Flaxseed oil (vegan option) as a daily supplement.

We have always heard that Vitamin C is good for us and helps fight off infections.

It does that by protecting the cells against the effects of free radicals (cell waste), making it a powerful antioxidant.

You can certainly get enough vitamin C from a healthy diet. But if you often engage in unhealthy habits or are constantly exposed to physical or mental stress, supplementing daily with vitamin C is highly beneficial.

Are currently supplementing with any of these? If not, consider adding them to the top of your list.

-Your Coach

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