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By Making Bad Habits Impossible, Success Is INEVITABLE!

Updated: Dec 16, 2021

If you study any highly successful person, you will learn that they all have a list of daily habits to which they credit their success. As you may guess, that list is composed of good habits.

I have yet to learn of an individual that found success in following a set of bad habits.

Some may argue that it is easier to create a good habit than it is to break a bad one. I believe that both require an equal amount of effort and are highly worth the challenge. However, I find that our bad habits weigh us down making it even harder to create good ones. Therefore, by breaking bad habits we can be set free. Free to create. Free to succeed!

The most effective way to break ANY habit is by making it impossible to act on it. You simply have to start by making a choice in the present which controls your actions in the future.

If you have a difficult time staying away from eating unhealthy snacks while you are watching television, simply make the choice to not bring those snacks into the house where you are left with no choice but not to eat the snacks while enjoying your favorite TV show.

If you struggle with going to sleep early due to your habit of watching TV in bed, make sure to remove the cable box from your bedroom, or even the actual TV if possible. This will make TV watching until late hours impossible.

Making such choices now highly increases the odds that you will not act on those impulses in the future. The longer you refrain from acting on those urges, the closer you are to breaking that habit.

Once you are no longer chained to bad habits, you will discover that you have created an environment where not only good habits are a guaranteed outcome, but that you now have the motivation and freedom you need to work on more positive meaningful things.

At which point, success is inevitable.

-Your Coach

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